We are looking for a manga that makes you laugh loosely! Grand Prix has a prize money of 300,000 yen + magazine posting right + editor in charge …


We are looking for a manga that makes you laugh loosely! Grand Prix has a prize money of 300,000 yen + magazine posting right + editor in charge …

「ゆるっと笑える」マンガを大募集! グランプリは賞金30万円+雑誌 掲載権+担当編集者がつく …
株式会社KADOKAWA(本社:東京都千代田区 代表執行役社長 CEO:夏野剛)のジーン 編集部は、新設の漫画賞「ゆるコメ賞」の募集を3月15日(金)AM10:00か ら…

We are looking for a manga that makes you laugh loosely! Grand Prix has a prize money of 300,000 yen + magazine posting right + editor in charge …
Jean editorial department of KADOKAWA Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Chiyoda -ku, Tokyo CEO: Tsuyoshi Natsuno) recruits the new manga award “Yuru -rice Award”. ) From 10:00 am …
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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