Manga Corner New Establishment Sounds in Town Library | Tokachi Mainichi Newspaper Electronic Version -TOKACHI MAINICHI NEWS Web


Manga Corner New Establishment Sounds in Town Library | Tokachi Mainichi Newspaper Electronic Version -TOKACHI MAINICHI NEWS Web

町図書館に漫画コーナー新設 音更 | 十勝毎日新聞電子版-Tokachi Mainichi News Web
【音更】音更町図書館(加藤正之館長)の一般コーナーの一角に漫画コー ナーが新設され、12日から利用開放している。漫画コーナーの設置は、1 999年の同館…

Manga Corner New Establishment Sounds in Town Library | Tokachi Mainichi Newspaper Electronic Version -TOKACHI MAINICHI NEWS Web
[Otosara] A manga corner has been newly established in one corner of the general corner of Otoko -cho Library (Director Masayuki Kato), and has been used since the 12th. The manga corner is set up in 1999 …
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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