Princess Ashihara’s name: “Sexy Tanaka” Cartoonist Ashihara Suddenly, the original author, TV station to protect …


Princess Ashihara’s name: “Sexy Tanaka” Cartoonist Ashihara Suddenly, the original author, TV station to protect …

芦原妃名子さん死去:「セクシー田中さん」漫画家・芦原さん急逝 原 作者、守るには テレビ局 …
漫画家、芦原妃名子(ひなこ)さんの急逝が各界に波紋を広げている。昨 秋、日本テレビ系で放送された連続ドラマ「セクシー田中さん」の原作者だった芦原 さん…

Princess Ashihara’s name: “Sexy Tanaka” Cartoonist Ashihara Suddenly, the original author, TV station to protect …
Manga House, Hinako’s sudden death is spreading ripples to various fields. Mr. Ashihara, who was the original author of the serial drama “Sexy Tanaka -san” broadcast on Nippon Television last fall, Mr. Ashihara …
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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