A manga ranking that you want to leave in the afterlife. The first place with slum dunk and dresses is “Collection of hints … – Huffpost


A manga ranking that you want to leave in the afterlife. The first place with slum dunk and dresses is “Collection of hints … – Huffpost

来世に残したい漫画ランキング。スラムダンクやワンピースを抑えた 1位は「伏線回収 … – ハフポスト
主人公・ナルトが先代を越える忍者になるために奮闘する姿を描く冒険ファンタジー 作品。 アンケートでは、「友情・努力・勝利という少年漫画の三原則を詰め 込ん…

A manga ranking that you want to leave in the afterlife. The first place with slum dunk and dresses is “Collection of hints … – Huffpost
An adventure fantasy work depicting the protagonist Naruto struggling to become a ninja who goes beyond the predecessor. In the questionnaire, “Packed the Mihara rules of a boy manga of a boy manga
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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