Even though I just want to save the writer in a difficult situation, I misunderstand / manga artist Mayu Shinjo …


[Sexy Tanaka] Even though I just want to save the writer in a difficult situation, I misunderstand / manga artist Mayu Shinjo …

【セクシー田中さん】苦しい状況の作家を救いたいだけなのに誤解広が る / 漫画家・新條まゆ先生 …
人気漫画『セクシー田中さん』の作者として知られている漫画家・芦 原妃名子先生が他界。彼女は漫画のドラマ化に関して悩んでいたという。こ の痛ましい出来事…

[Sexy Tanaka] Even though I just want to save the writer in a difficult situation, I misunderstand / manga artist Mayu Shinjo …
Manga, known as the author of the popular manga “Sexy Tanaka -san”, has died. She was worried about the conversion of manga. This painful event …
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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