Talking on the Shinkansen (13) Next person put large luggage -Mynavi News


Talking on the Shinkansen (13) [Manga] Next person put large luggage -Mynavi News

新幹線でトラブった話(13) 【漫画】隣の人が大きな荷物を置いた – マ イナビニュース
いただいたエピソードをもとに、本誌の連載漫画「モンスターOLうるみ」を 執筆する漫画家兼イラストレーター、菅原県さんの漫画で紹介しま す。 新幹線に乗っ…

Talking on the Shinkansen (13) [Manga] Next person put large luggage -Mynavi News
Based on the episodes you received, manga, a manga house and illustrator who writes “Monster OL Urumi”, Sugawara Prefecture’s manga > I will introduce it. Ride on the Shinkansen …
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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