A manga artist, Rumiko Tezuka, a word of shock from the courier …


A manga artist, Rumiko Tezuka, a word of shock from the courier …

漫画家・手塚るみ子氏、宅配業者から衝撃の一言…「身バレ怖い」 心配 の声「これはダメ」「失礼 …
マンガの神様」手塚治虫氏の長女で漫画家の手塚るみ子氏が、21日 までに自身のX(旧ツイッター)を更新。宅配業者とのやり取りを明かし、心配の声 が寄せ…

A manga artist, Rumiko Tezuka, a word of shock from the courier …
Manga God” The eldest daughter of Osamu Tezuka, manga Rumiko Tezuka, a house, updated his X (formerly Twitter) by the 21st. He revealed his interaction with the courier, and his worries
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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