Games, manga, eating out, staying … Everything is banned from parents -Netorababo


Games, manga, eating out, staying … Everything is banned from parents -Netorababo

ゲーム、漫画、外食、お泊り…… あらゆるものを親から禁止され育った 現在の思い – ねとらぼ
子どものころ親から禁止されていたものとその後の影響を聞く連載「禁止されていた もの募集」。今回は、あらゆるものを禁止されて育った匿名さんのお話です。

Games, manga, eating out, staying … Everything is banned from parents -Netorababo
A series of “banned items” that were banned from parents when they were children and subsequent effects. This time, it is a story of anonymous who grew up with everything.
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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