“Mahjong is a shrinkage of life” I knew the terrible magical power I knew I knew the tiles in 2


“Mahjong is a shrinkage of life” I knew the terrible magical power I knew I knew the tiles in 2

「麻雀は人生の縮図」小2で牌を握った私が知った恐ろしすぎる魔力 | インベスターZで学ぶ経済教室
三田紀房の投資マンガ『インベスターZ』を題材に、経済コラムニストで元日 経新聞編集委員の高井宏章が経済の仕組みをイチから解説する連載…

“Mahjong is a shrinkage of life” I knew the terrible magical power I knew I knew the tiles in 2
Under the theme of the investment manga “Investor Z”, Hiroaki Takai, an economic columnist and former Nikkei Shimbun editorial committee member, explains the economic mechanism from Ichi
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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