Midnight diapers …. A middle -aged man’s suffering of one -operated father -Bunshun Online


Midnight diapers …. A middle -aged man’s suffering of one -operated father -Bunshun Online

真夜中のおむつ替え……父親をワンオペ介護する中年男性の苦悩 – 文春 オンライン
[漫画](1ページ目) 憧れの救急隊に配属になった岩井日向子。使命感に燃え る日向子だが、現実は理想通りにはいかない事ばかりで――。 意外と知らない救急隊 の…

Midnight diapers …. A middle -aged man’s suffering of one -operated father -Bunshun Online
[ Manga] (1st page) Hyugo Iwai was assigned to the longing rescue squad. Hyugako is burning in a sense of mission, but the reality is just that it doesn’t go as ideal. Surprisingly unknown rescue squad …
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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