Do you know “copyright”? I can’t do it with “because everyone is doing it” -Itmedia


[Manga] Do you know “copyright”? I can’t do it with “because everyone is doing it” -Itmedia

【漫画】「著作権」知ってる? 「みんなやっているから」ではすまさ れない – ITmedia
仕事でSNSに投稿することがあるかと思いますが、その投稿、著作権のルールを守っ ていますか? 「他社もやっているから大丈夫!」といった考えはキケンで…

[Manga] Do you know “copyright”? I can’t do it with “because everyone is doing it” -Itmedia
I think you may post to SNS at work, do you follow the post and the rules of copyright? The idea of ​​”It’s okay because other companies are also doing it!”
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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