Manga “Anmet with Brain Surgeon Diary” Live -action drama Sugisaki Hana is the first doctor -anime hack


Manga “Anmet with Brain Surgeon Diary” Live -action drama Sugisaki Hana is the first doctor -anime hack

漫画「アンメット ある脳外科医の日記」実写ドラマ化 杉咲花が初の医 師役 – アニメハック
やがて、ミヤビの消えた2年間の記憶の中に隠された謎が明らかになっていく……。 杉 咲と原作の子鹿氏、漫画の大槻氏のコメント全文は以下の通り。 □杉咲花 頑 張れ…

Manga “Anmet with Brain Surgeon Diary” Live -action drama Sugisaki Hana is the first doctor -anime hack
Eventually, the mystery hidden in Miyabi’s two years of memory will be revealed. The full text of Sugisaki and the original Koka, and manga Otsuki are as follows. □ Sugisaki Hana, do your best …
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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