A new book, “If you are happy, tang your hand,” depicting the importance of the mind to seek peace. The protagonist, Toshi Kimura …


A new book, “If you are happy, tang your hand,” depicting the importance of the mind to seek peace. The protagonist, Toshi Kimura …

平和を希求する心の大切さを描く、新刊『漫画 幸せなら手をたたこう 誕生物語』。主人公・木村利 …
主人公・木村利人氏による講演会が2024年4月6日に開催決定。戦争・歴史をテーマに した漫画を手がける長崎出身の作者も登壇。 いのちのことば社 2024年02月 29日…

A new book, “If you are happy, tang your hand,” depicting the importance of the mind to seek peace. The protagonist, Toshi Kimura …
A lecture by the protagonist, Toshito Kimura, will be held on April 6, 2024. The author from Nagasaki, who works on manga on the theme of war and history, is also on stage. Life -kotosha 2024 February 29 …
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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