Thank you for the first time you know after leaving your parents’ house -“My mother and my story” that changes the image of “poisoned parent”


[Manga] Thank you for the first time you know after leaving your parents’ house -“My mother and my story” that changes the image of “poisoned parent”

【漫画】実家を出て初めてわかった親のありがたみーー“毒親”のイメー ジが変わる「私の母と私の話」
現在U-NEXT Comicで『診霊カウンセラーナナコ』を連載中の美代さんにとって、本作 は創作する心を取り戻すターニングポイントだったという。その制作と現在の…

[Manga] Thank you for the first time you know after leaving your parents’ house -“My mother and my story” that changes the image of “poisoned parent”
For Miyo, who is currently serializing “Counsel Counsel Nanako” at U-NEXT COMIC, this work was a turning point to regain the heart to create. The production and the current …
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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