Fortune comes to the laughing gate! Korean comedy is in BS12 in March and April! March is a web manga original starring a talented actor w …


Fortune comes to the laughing gate! Korean comedy is in BS12 in March and April! March is a web manga original starring a talented actor w …

笑う門には福来る!3・4月はBS12で韓国コメディ!3月は実力派俳優W主 演のWEB漫画原作 …
NAVERで累計再生回数11億回という驚異的な記録を出した人気WEB漫画が原 作。大企業の島流し先“ペガサスマーケット”を舞台に、ぶっ飛び社長と生真面目店長 が…

Fortune comes to the laughing gate! Korean comedy is in BS12 in March and April! March is a web manga original starring a talented actor w …
The original is a popular web manga, which has made an amazing record of 1.1 billion views on NAVER. Set on the “Pegasus Market” of the island of a large company, the president and the serious manager of the sincerity are …
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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