Mr. Noritoshi Furuichi, “I changed the history of Japanese manga,” said Akira Toriyama, who suddenly died, “Japanese wonderful …


Mr. Noritoshi Furuichi, “I changed the history of Japanese manga,” said Akira Toriyama, who suddenly died, “Japanese wonderful …

古市憲寿氏「日本の漫画の歴史変えた」と急逝の鳥山明さん追悼 漫画 を「日本のステキな …
社会学者の古市憲寿氏が10日、日本テレビ系「真相報道バンキシャ!」に出演。1 日に68歳で亡くなった漫画家の鳥山明さんを追悼した。

Mr. Noritoshi Furuichi, “I changed the history of Japanese manga,” said Akira Toriyama, who suddenly died, “Japanese wonderful …
Sociologist Noritoshi Furuichi will appear on Nippon Television’s “Truth Press Bankisha!” On the 10th. He mourned manga, who died at the age of 68 a day.
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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