Delivery, crime prevention, cartoons sued professional students in Nagoya Designer Academy, Booklet -Chunichi Shimbun Web


Delivery, crime prevention, cartoons sued professional students in Nagoya Designer Academy, Booklet -Chunichi Shimbun Web

非行や犯罪被害防げ、漫画で専門学生訴え 名古屋デザイナー学院、冊 子作る – 中日新聞Web
中署の依頼で同校マンガ学科とグラフィックデザイン学科の学生10人が小中 高生やその周囲の大人を対象に制作。「日常に潜む落とし穴 マンガでわかる Z世代の事件簿…

Delivery, crime prevention, cartoons sued professional students in Nagoya Designer Academy, Booklet -Chunichi Shimbun Web
At the request of the middle office, 10 students in the school manga and 10 students from the department of graphic design were produced for elementary, middle and high school students and adults around them. “Z -generation case book … …
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