Special feature wide: Afternoon chat Seeking the freedom to say “no” Manga artist Satoru Makimura | Mainichi Shimbun


Special feature wide: Afternoon chat Seeking the freedom to say “no” Manga artist Satoru Makimura | Mainichi Shimbun

特集ワイド:午後のおしゃべり 「ノー」と言える自由求めて 漫画家・ 槇村さとるさん | 毎日新聞
少女や女性の自立を描く作風が人気の漫画家、槇村さとるさん(67)は、デ ビュー50周年を迎えた。長短編合わせ100近い作品のうち、テレビドラマ化され…

Special feature wide: Afternoon chat Seeking the freedom to say “no” Manga artist Satoru Makimura | Mainichi Shimbun
Satoru Makimura (67), a manga artist popular for his style of depicting the independence of girls and women, has celebrated his 50th anniversary since his debut. Of the nearly 100 short and long works, there are many that have been made into TV dramas.
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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