Hitokowa! A true scary story (34) [Book horror] Even though we were such good friends… | Mynavi News


Hitokowa! A true scary story (34) [Manga] [Book horror] Even though we were such good friends… | Mynavi News

ヒトコワ! 本当にあった怖い話(34) 【漫画】[本怖] あんなに仲良しだ ったのに…… | マイナビニュース
人気連載漫画「モンスターOLうるみ」を執筆する、漫画家兼イラスト レーターの菅原県さんにイラスト化してもらった。 みんなのリアルな体験談を参考 に…

Hitokowa! A true scary story (34) [Manga] [Book horror] Even though we were such good friends… | Mynavi News
The illustration was done by Ken Sugawara, a manga artist and illustrator who writes the popular manga series “Monster OL Urumi.” Based on everyone’s real experiences …
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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