A newly drawn manga by traveling manga artist Gokanojin has been completed! Starring Papa Essiedu (George…


A newly drawn manga by traveling manga artist Gokanojin has been completed! Starring Papa Essiedu (George…

旅する漫画家・五箇野人による描き下ろし漫画が完成!主演パーパ・エ ッシードゥ(ジョージ役 …
その待望のシーズン2はIMDbで8.4点と前シリーズ越えの高数値をたたき出し、世界中 で大ヒット中だ。 この度、本作の配信&放送を記念して、海外旅行の実録漫画で…

A newly drawn manga by traveling manga artist Gokanojin has been completed! Starring Papa Essiedu (George…
The long-awaited second season has achieved a score of 8.4 on IMDb, which is higher than the previous series, making it a big hit all over the world. To commemorate the distribution and broadcast of this work, we have published a manga that tells the story of an overseas trip…
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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