Damage to Japanese manga “free reading” worsens; countermeasures against pirated copies of foreign languages ​​become urgent – NHK News


Damage to Japanese manga “free reading” worsens; countermeasures against pirated copies of foreign languages ​​ become urgent – NHK News

日本の漫画「タダ読み」被害深刻化 外国語の海賊版対策 急務に – NHKニュース
【NHK】日本の漫画が世界で人気を集める中、外国語に翻訳された作品を無断 で掲載した海賊版サイトの被害が深刻化しています。スマートフ…

Damage to Japanese manga “free reading” worsens; countermeasures against pirated copies of foreign languages ​​become urgent – NHK News
[NHK] As Japanese manga are gaining popularity around the world, the damage caused by pirated sites that post works translated into foreign languages ​​without permission is becoming more serious. Smart food…
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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