Is Mizuki Yamashita a “strong person in love”? Heart-throbbing gestures in girls’ manga and romance dramas…


Is Mizuki Yamashita a “strong person in love”? Heart-throbbing gestures in girls’ manga and romance dramas…

〈「Eye Love You」きょう最終回〉山下美月は“恋愛強者”? 胸キュン 仕草を少女漫画や恋愛ドラマ …
二階堂演じる侑里とは正反対のキャラクターだ。 山下:TBSの火曜ドラマ枠ではこれ までも恋愛を扱った作品が多く、今回の作品も少女漫画的な要素が…

Is Mizuki Yamashita a “strong person in love”? Heart-throbbing gestures in girls’ manga and romance dramas…
She is the complete opposite of Nikaido’s Yuri. Yamashita: In TBS’s Tuesday drama slot, there have been many works that deal with love, and this work also has shojo manga elements.
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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