What is the joy of living alone as a manga artist who moved to Tokyo? – Nikkei xwoman


What is the joy of living alone as a manga artist who moved to Tokyo? – Nikkei xwoman

上京した漫画家が感じた一人暮らしの楽しさとは? – 日経xwoman
【日経WOMAN発漫画】3月、別れと出会いの季節。上京、ひとり暮らしにあた ってタスクが多いけれども、お楽しみもあるものです。 2024.03.28; 岡野く仔.

What is the joy of living alone as a manga artist who moved to Tokyo? – Nikkei xwoman
[Manga from Nikkei WOMAN] March is the season of farewells and encounters. Moving to Tokyo and living alone comes with many tasks, but there are also some pleasures. 2024.03.28; Kuko Okano.
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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