The awkwardness of the debate itself, “Can friendship between men and women be established?” SNS manga “A man and a woman who would never date…


[Manga] The awkwardness of the debate itself, “Can friendship between men and women be established?” SNS manga “A man and a woman who would never date…

【漫画】「男女の友情は成立する?」という議論自体の窮屈さ SNS漫画 『絶対付き合わない男女の …
多くの人が意見を問われたことがあるだろう、「男女の友情は成立するのか?」とい う議論。多様性の時代にナンセンスな感覚もあるが、「成立しない」と強く…

[Manga] The awkwardness of the debate itself, “Can friendship between men and women be established?” SNS manga “A man and a woman who would never date…
Many people have probably been asked their opinion on the debate, “Can friendship between men and women exist?” Although it may feel like nonsense in this age of diversity, I strongly believe that it will not work. …
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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