[Manga artist Yuji Aoki’s life] The world is full of contradictions. Liberal Democratic Party control and corruption among civil servants… – Daily Shincho


[Manga artist Yuji Aoki’s life] The world is full of contradictions. Liberal Democratic Party control and corruption among civil servants… – Daily Shincho

【漫画家・青木雄二の生き方】世の中、矛盾だらけ。自民党の支配や公 務員の腐敗 … – デイリー新潮
独特な画風と作風、なにより作品を通底するテーマが斬新でした。「ナニワ金融道」 は映像化もされ大ヒット作品となりましたが、作者の青木雄二…

[Manga artist Yuji Aoki’s life] The world is full of contradictions. Liberal Democratic Party control and corruption among civil servants… – Daily Shincho
His unique painting style and style, and above all, the themes that run through his works were innovative. “Naniwa Financial Road” was made into a movie and became a big hit, but the author, Yuji Aoki…
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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