What will happen to “Shita”? – “Investigative Division 4” that will disappear due to the reorganization of the Saitama Prefectural Police Department The “creator” female police sergeant…


What will happen to “Shita”? – “Investigative Division 4” that will disappear due to the reorganization of the Saitama Prefectural Police Department The “creator” female police sergeant…

「四太」はどうなるのかにゃ~ 埼玉県警組織改編で消える「捜査4課 」 「生みの親」女性巡査部長 …
漫画の他、県警が動画投稿サイトで公開中の公式動画にも登場。県警の「暴 力団排除イメージキャラクター」としてポスターにも起用されている。 四太を考案 し、…

What will happen to “Shita”? – “Investigative Division 4” that will disappear due to the reorganization of the Saitama Prefectural Police Department The “creator” female police sergeant…
In addition to Manga, it also appears in the official video posted by the prefectural police on a video posting site. He has also been featured on posters as the prefectural police’s “image character for eliminating organized crime groups”. Invented Shita,  …
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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