I can’t believe I’m pregnant with twins! ~Manga report: Raising twins full of surprises~ Part 75 | Rurubu Kids


I can’t believe I’m pregnant with twins! ~Manga report: Raising twins full of surprises~ Part 75 | Rurubu Kids

私が双子を妊娠するなんて!〜漫画でレポート 驚きだらけの双子育 児〜 その75 | るるぶKids
長女のときは何かに吸い取られているのかと思う勢いで、自然に体重と体型が戻って いきました。 双子漫画75-2. しかし双子出産後は全く減らないのです。な ぜ!?

I can’t believe I’m pregnant with twins! ~Manga report: Raising twins full of surprises~ Part 75 | Rurubu Kids
When I had my eldest daughter, I naturally regained my weight and shape, as if I was being sucked out by something. TwinsManga75-2. However, after giving birth to twins, it does not decrease at all. why!?
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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