Manga artist Neko Jellyfish accused of tax evasion | National and overseas breaking news – Tokushima Shimbun


Manga artist Neko Jellyfish accused of tax evasion | National and overseas breaking news – Tokushima Shimbun

漫画家ねこクラゲ氏、脱税容疑で告発|全国・海外の速報 – 徳島新聞
約4700万円を脱税したとして、福岡国税局は1日、所得税法違反の疑いで漫 画家池田恵理香氏(36)を福岡地検に告発したと発表した。

Manga artist Neko Jellyfish accused of tax evasion | National and overseas breaking news – Tokushima Shimbun
The Fukuoka Regional Taxation Bureau announced on the 1st that it has filed a complaint with the Fukuoka District Public Prosecutors Office against Erika Ikeda (36) of Manga on suspicion of violating the Income Tax Act for evading approximately 47 million yen in taxes.
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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