Yoichi Takahashi’s “Captain Tsubasa” “Manga” The story will continue after the serialization ends This summer, a new website will be published in name format…


Yoichi Takahashi’s “Captain Tsubasa” “Manga” The story will continue after the serialization ends This summer, a new website will be published in name format…

高橋陽一『キャプテン翼』“漫画”連載終了後、物語は継続へ 今夏、新 WEBサイトにてネーム形式 …
漫画家・高橋陽一による『キャプテン翼』が、4月4日発売の「キャプテン翼 マガジン vol.20」(集英社)をもって“漫画”連載の最終話を迎えた(マガジ ンも刊行…

Yoichi Takahashi’s “Captain Tsubasa” “Manga” The story will continue after the serialization ends This summer, a new website will be published in name format…
“Captain Tsubasa” by Yoichi Takahashi, a mangamaker, will be the final installment of the “manga” series with “Captain Tsubasa Magazine vol.20” (Shueisha) released on April 4th. We have a story (a magazine is also published …
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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