“Captain Tsubasa” manga series ends after 43 years (AFP = Jiji) – Yahoo! News


“Captain Tsubasa” manga series ends after 43 years (AFP = Jiji) – Yahoo! News

「キャプテン翼」、43年の漫画連載終了(AFP=時事) – Yahoo!ニ ュース
【AFP=時事】日本のサッカー漫画「キャプテン翼(Captain Tsubasa)」シ リーズの漫画としての連載が4日に終了し、43年の歴史に幕を下ろした。

“Captain Tsubasa” manga series ends after 43 years (AFP = Jiji) – Yahoo! News
[AFP = Current Affairs] The serialization of the Japanese soccer manga series “Captain Tsubasa” as a manga ended on the 4th, marking the end of its 43-year history. I put it down.
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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