Shin-Chagen-san’s manga animation to be livened up by Hirakawa | Mutsu Shimpo


Shin-Chagen-san’s manga animation to be livened up by Hirakawa | Mutsu Shimpo

新挑限さんの漫画アニメ化 平川で盛り上げ | 陸奥新報
平川市出身の新挑限(あらいどかぎり)さんの漫画「じいさんばあさん若返 る」(KADOKAWA)を原作とした同名のテレビアニメ放送開始を控え、地 元…

Shin-Chagen-san’s manga animation to be livened up by Hirakawa | Mutsu Shimpo
Ahead of the start of the TV anime broadcast of the same name based on the manga “Old Man and Grandpa Rejuvenating” (KADOKAWA) by Mr. Araidokagiri, who is from Hirakawa City, the local  …
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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