stop! >I was confused by my daughter’s true feelings when I heard it for the first time. What does “It’s okay” really mean? [Episode 8 manga]


stop! >I was confused by my daughter’s true feelings when I heard it for the first time. What does “It’s okay” really mean? [Episode 8 manga]

やめます!>はじめて聞く娘の本音に戸惑い「大丈夫」本当の意味 は?【第8話まんが】
【第1話】から読む。 前回からの続き。私(ヨウコ)には娘が2人います。長女のミ ユキ(28歳)と次女のアヤ(21歳)です。10年前に夫に先立たれてからは、女…

stop! >I was confused by my daughter’s true feelings when I heard it for the first time. What does “It’s okay” really mean? [Episode 8 manga]
Read from [Chapter 1]. Continuation from last time. I (Yoko) have two daughters. My eldest daughter Miyuki (28 years old) and my second daughter Aya (21 years old). Since my husband passed away 10 years ago, I have become a woman …
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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