Starring Kwak Dong-young and Go Sung-hee W! Office love comedy based on a web manga! First broadcast on BS Korea…


Starring Kwak Dong-young and Go Sung-hee W! Office love comedy based on a web manga! First broadcast on BS Korea…

クァク・ドンヨン&コ・ソンヒW主演!WEB漫画原作のオフィスラブコメ ディ!BS初放送 韓国 …
WEB漫画原作のオフィスラブコメディ!BS初放送 韓国ドラマ「ガウス電子 ~僕らの社内恋愛マニュアル~」4月10日(水)夕方4:00~ BS12 トゥエルビで放 送…

Starring Kwak Dong-young and Go Sung-hee W! Office love comedy based on a web manga! First broadcast on BS Korea…
WEBMangaOffice love comedy based on the original! BS’s first broadcast of the Korean drama “Gauss Electronics ~Our Company Love Manual~” will be broadcast on BS12 Twelve from 4:00 pm on Wednesday, April 10th.
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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