41-year-old manga artist Koji Oishi marries Yamaguchi Melon: “Is it okay for something like a romantic comedy to happen?”
41歳の漫画家・大石浩二氏、山口めろんと結婚「ラブコメみたいなこと があっていいんでしょうか」
大石浩二氏はぞっこん「まさに理想が具現化した方」タレントでシンガー・ソングラ イターの山口めろんが13日、漫画家の大石浩二氏と結婚したことを所属事務 所…
41-year-old manga artist Koji Oishi marries Yamaguchi Melon: “Is it okay for something like a romantic comedy to happen?”
Koji Oishi is “exactly the embodiment of my ideals” The talent and singer-songwriter Yamaguchi Melon has married Koji Oishi, a manga artist, on the 13th, his agency announced. …
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.