“Unmet” manga drama adaptation, behind the scenes change of main character Hana Sugisaki also came up with an idea… – Okinawa Times + Plus


“Unmet” manga drama adaptation, behind the scenes change of main character Hana Sugisaki also came up with an idea… – Okinawa Times + Plus

『アンメット』漫画ドラマ化、主人公変更の裏側 杉咲花もアイデア出 し … – 沖縄タイムス+プラス
原作は、小鹿氏が講談社『モーニング』で連載中の同名漫画漫画・ 大槻閑人氏)。ドラマは脚本を篠崎絵里子氏(※崎=たつさき)が担当。主人公の“記 憶障害の…

“Unmet” manga drama adaptation, behind the scenes change of main character Hana Sugisaki also came up with an idea… – Okinawa Times + Plus
The original work is a manga of the same name that Oshika is currently serializing in Kodansha’s “Morning” (written by Yasuto Otsuki). Eriko Shinozaki (*Tatsusaki Saki) is in charge of the script for the drama. The main character’s “memory disorder…”
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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