The third Yukari collaboration manga is written by Gyunyuu, a loose-fitting character! – PR TIMES


The third Yukari collaboration manga is written by Gyunyuu, a loose-fitting character! – PR TIMES

3作目の〈ゆかり〉コラボ漫画は、ゆるゆる脱力系「ぎゅうにゅう」 作! – PR TIMES
株式会社坂角総本舖のプレスリリース(2024年4月15日 12時00分)3作目の〈ゆかり 〉コラボ漫画は、ゆるゆる脱力系「ぎゅうにゅう」作!

The third Yukari collaboration manga is written by Gyunyuu, a loose-fitting character! – PR TIMES
Press release from Sakakaku Sohonka Co., Ltd. (April 15, 2024, 12:00) The third collaborationManga is written by Gyunyuu, a loosely relaxed style!
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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