Former “Mangamura” operator “extremely dissatisfied” with 1.7 billion payment order in “trial to set an example”


Former “Mangamura” operator “extremely dissatisfied” with 1.7 billion payment order in “trial to set an example”

「漫画村」元運営者「見せしめにするための裁判」 17億支払い命令に 「ものすごい不満」訴える
漫画の海賊版サイト「漫画村」の元運営者・星野ロミ氏が2024年4月 18日にYouTube動画を公開し、同日に東京地裁で判決が下された裁判で、大手出版社 3社に対し…

Former “Mangamura” operator “extremely dissatisfied” with 1.7 billion payment order in “trial to set an example”
Romi Hoshino, former operator of MangaVillage, a pirated Manga site, released a YouTube video on April 18, 2024, and was sentenced at the Tokyo District Court on the same day. In a lawsuit handed down against three major publishers …
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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