Card for hearing-impaired people to communicate their intentions at the cash register Created by deaf manga artist Hiramoto – Asahi Shimbun Digital


Card for hearing-impaired people to communicate their intentions at the cash register Created by deaf manga artist Hiramoto – Asahi Shimbun Digital

聴覚障害者がレジで意思伝えるカード ろう者で漫画家の平本さん作成 – 朝日新聞デジタル
レジ袋や割り箸は要りますか。電子レンジで温めますか。ポイントは……。福岡県久留 米市のろう者で漫画家の平本龍之介さん(43)が、スーパーやコンビニのレ ジ…

Card for hearing-impaired people to communicate their intentions at the cash register Created by deaf manga artist Hiramoto – Asahi Shimbun Digital
Do I need plastic bags or disposable chopsticks? Do you want to heat it in the microwave? The point is… Ryunosuke Hiramoto (43), a deaf man and manga artist from Kurume City, Fukuoka Prefecture, works at the cash registers of supermarkets and convenience stores.
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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