[Topic] Popular manga “Local best! ” readers will notice → Huh? There aren’t any male characters…


[Topic] Popular manga “Local best! ” readers will notice → Huh? There aren’t any male characters…

【話題】人気漫画『地元最高!』の読者が気がついてしまう→ あれ? 男のキャラって一人もいなく …
人気漫画『地元最高!』には男性キャラクターが登場していないのでは? と の声が多く出始めている。みんな、うすうす気がついていたと思うが、確かに男 性…

[Topic] Popular manga “Local best! ” readers will notice → Huh? There aren’t any male characters…
Popular Manga“The best local! ” doesn’t have any male characters? More and more voices are starting to appear. I think everyone was slightly aware of it, but it was definitely a man…
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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