A manga sequel by Kame Yayoi, who lives in the prefecture, depicts the fight against cancer with humor


A manga sequel by Kame Yayoi, who lives in the prefecture, depicts the fight against cancer with humor

がん闘病、ユーモア交えて描く 県内在住・やよいかめさん漫画続編
福島県在住の漫画家やよいかめさん(本名非公表)は、KADOKAWAか ら自身の闘病生活を漫画にしたコミックエッセーの続編「続 鼻腔(びくう )ガンに…

A manga sequel by Kame Yayoi, who lives in the prefecture, depicts the fight against cancer with humor
Mr. Kame Yayoi (real name not disclosed), a manga artist living in Fukushima Prefecture, published a sequel to his comic essay “Zoku Nasal Cavity” (real name not disclosed), which was written by KADOKAWA as a manga about his life fighting illness. ) to cancer …
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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