Historical manga about local burial mounds presented to elementary school students in Kashima City | NHK Ibaraki Prefecture News


Historical manga about local burial mounds presented to elementary school students in Kashima City | NHK Ibaraki Prefecture News

地元の古墳についてまとめた歴史漫画 鹿嶋市の小学生に贈呈|NHK 茨 城県のニュース
【NHK】子どもたちに地元の歴史に興味を持ってもらおうと歴史漫画の制作を 進めている茨城県鹿嶋市で、地元の古墳についてまとめた漫画が30日、小 学生に贈…

Historical manga about local burial mounds presented to elementary school students in Kashima City | NHK Ibaraki Prefecture News
[NHK] Kashima City, Ibaraki Prefecture, is currently producing a historical manga to get children interested in local history. A manga about local ancient tombs. > presented to elementary school students on the 30th…
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