“Aichi in Manga” corner at Aichi Prefectural Library “Yasogame-chan” “Damonde Toyohashi ga ~” – Chunichi Shimbun Web


“Aichi in Manga” corner at Aichi Prefectural Library “Yasogame-chan” “Damonde Toyohashi ga ~” – Chunichi Shimbun Web

愛知県図書館に「漫画で愛知」コーナー 「八十亀ちゃん」「だもんで 豊橋が~」 – 中日新聞Web
県図書館(中区)は、愛知を題材とした漫画を紹介する展示コーナーを3階 エレベーター前に設けている。「愛知の漫画作家が描く愛知」と題し、県内 の文化や…

“Aichi in Manga” corner at Aichi Prefectural Library “Yasogame-chan” “Damonde Toyohashi ga ~” – Chunichi Shimbun Web
The Prefectural Library (Naka Ward) has set up an exhibition corner in front of the elevator on the third floor that introduces manga with Aichi as its theme. Titled “Aichi drawn by Aichi’s mangawriters,” the theme is about the prefecture’s culture and…
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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