Hiyori Sakurada is moved to tears, saying, “You have become a very important person in my life.” The original author, manga artist Jun Mutsuki, highly praises it.


Hiyori Sakurada is moved to tears, saying, “You have become a very important person in my life.” The original author, manga artist Jun Mutsuki, highly praises it.

桜田ひより、感激の涙「私の人生で、とても大切な存在になった」原作 者の漫画家むつき潤氏が絶賛
原作者の漫画家むつき潤氏からサプライズで寄せられた手紙で、演じた潮に ついて「桜田ひよりさんであることが完成した映画を見て深く納得。映画ならではの 潮が、…

Hiyori Sakurada is moved to tears, saying, “You have become a very important person in my life.” The original author, manga artist Jun Mutsuki, highly praises it.
In a surprise letter from Jun Mutsuki, the original author of manga, he said, “When I saw the finished movie, I was deeply convinced that Hiyori Sakurada played the role of Ushio. , …
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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