Introducing handwritten manuscripts and creative episodes of “The Phoenix” Experience the world of reincarnation at the Osamu Tezuka Memorial Exhibition


Introducing handwritten manuscripts and creative episodes of “The Phoenix” Experience the world of reincarnation at the Osamu Tezuka Memorial Exhibition

「火の鳥」直筆原稿や創作エピソード紹介 輪廻の世界体感を 手塚治虫 記念館で企画展
漫画家の手塚治虫さん(1928~89年)が輪廻(りんね)転生をテーマ に描いた長編大作「火の鳥」の企画展が、兵庫県宝塚市武庫川町の手塚治虫記念館で 開…

Introducing handwritten manuscripts and creative episodes of “The Phoenix” Experience the world of reincarnation at the Osamu Tezuka Memorial Exhibition
MangaA special exhibition of the full-length masterpiece “The Phoenix” by Osamu Tezuka (1928-1989) with the theme of reincarnation will be held at Tezuka in Mukogawa-cho, Takarazuka City, Hyogo Prefecture. Opened at Osamu Memorial Museum …
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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