A mother gets mad at her 2old son who denies everything. When she finds a solution, she says, “I’ll try it!”


A mother gets mad at her 2-year-old son who denies everything. When she finds a solution, she says, “I’ll try it!”

何でも否定する2歳息子についカッとなる母親 見いだした“解決策”に「 やってみます!」
今回、漫画「天邪鬼期、しんどぉ!!」を描いたきっかけを教えてくださ い。 伊藤ぽんぽこさん「息子のあまのじゃく期にイライラする自分を客観視した…

A mother gets mad at her 2-year-old son who denies everything. When she finds a solution, she says, “I’ll try it!”
Please tell us what led you to draw Manga “Tenjaki period, Shindo!!”. Pon Poko Ito: “I took an objective view of myself being irritated by my son’s slow growth.”
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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