“550 pigs from Hawaii” Manga featuring the late Yoshinobu Akena, who saved food shortages in post-war Okinawa Uruma City Board of Education…


“550 pigs from Hawaii” Manga featuring the late Yoshinobu Akena, who saved food shortages in post-war Okinawa Uruma City Board of Education…

「ハワイから豚550頭」 漫画に 戦後沖縄の食糧難救う 故安慶名良 信さん題材 うるま市教委 市内 …
漫画「安慶名良信物語-豚がつないだハワイと沖縄- … 漫画を贈る同市教育委員会の嘉手苅弘美教育長(左)=4月23日、同市役所.

“550 pigs from Hawaii” Manga featuring the late Yoshinobu Akena, who saved food shortages in post-war Okinawa Uruma City Board of Education…
Manga‘The Tale of Yoshinobu Agena – Hawaii and Okinawa connected by pigs’ … Manga presented by Hiromi Kadenari, Superintendent of the City Board of Education (left) = April 23rd at the same city hall.
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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