“Hyperinflation” is a manga you should read now in this era of ultra-weak yen.An extremely entertaining introduction to economics.


“Hyperinflation” is a manga you should read now in this era of ultra-weak yen.An extremely entertaining introduction to economics.

超円安時代の今こそ読むべき漫画『ハイパーインフレーション』 愉快 すぎる経済学の入門書
日本で最も“粋”な経済学入門漫画を今回は紹介!年間数百タイトルの漫画を読む筆者が、時事に沿った漫画を新作・旧作問わず取り上げる本連載 「漫画百景」。

“Hyperinflation” is a manga you should read now in this era of ultra-weak yen.An extremely entertaining introduction to economics.
Introducing Japan’s most stylish introduction to economics manga! The author, who reads hundreds of manga titles a year, has published a book series called “manga 100 views” that covers manga, both new and old, that are in line with current events. ”.
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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