A comment has arrived from the original manga artist of “Unmet”, Kanto Otsuki! “The manga I drew is of such high quality…


A comment has arrived from the original manga artist of “Unmet”, Kanto Otsuki! “The manga I drew is of such high quality…

『アンメット』原作漫画家・大槻閑人からコメント到着!「自分が描い た漫画をこれだけ上質な …
『アンメット ある脳外科医の日記』の原作漫画家・大槻閑人さんのコメント が到着しました。 全ての画像を見る. 杉咲花さん主演の月10ドラマ『アンメット…

A comment has arrived from the original manga artist of “Unmet”, Kanto Otsuki! “The manga I drew is of such high quality…
A comment from Mr. Yasuto Otsuki, the creator of the original manga of “Unmet: Diary of a Brain Surgeon” has arrived. View all images. Hana Sugisaki will be starring in the monthly drama “Unmet…”
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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