Are gourmet manga depicting “marginal girls” becoming a trend? “I love eating so much! Mochizuki-san’s dangerous…


Are gourmet manga depicting “marginal girls” becoming a trend? “I love eating so much! Mochizuki-san’s dangerous…

“限界女子”を描くグルメ漫画がトレンドに? 『ドカ食いダイスキ! も ちづきさん』のヤバい …
ドカ食いじゃないと多幸感がない 今、SNS上で『ドカ食いダイスキ! もちづきさん 』という漫画が話題沸騰中だ。タイトルの通り、「ドカ食い」に焦点を当て た…

Are gourmet manga depicting “marginal girls” becoming a trend? “I love eating so much! Mochizuki-san’s dangerous…
You won’t feel euphoric if you don’t eat a lot.Right now, people are saying “I love eating a lot!” on social media. The Manga called “Mochizuki-san” is currently becoming a hot topic. As the title suggests, the focus is on “big eating”…
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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