Manga special feature that makes you beautiful in love – Manga (manga) and e-books at ebookjapan | Many free books!


Manga special feature that makes you beautiful in love – Manga (manga) and e-books at ebookjapan | Many free books!

恋してきれいになるマンガ特集 – まんが(漫画)・電子書籍なら ebookjapan|無料本多数!
男勝りな性格でオシャレとは無縁の女子大生・玲。そんな彼女が、美容学生・東千石 さんのメイクモデルをすることに! 「俺が…

Manga special feature that makes you beautiful in love – Manga (manga) and e-books at ebookjapan | Many free books!
Rei is a female college student who has a masculine personality and has nothing to do with fashion. She ends up being a makeup model for beauty student Higashi Sengoku! “I…
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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